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Viewpoint: PsychiatrySailing through the COVID-19 challenges on admission rates: An experience-based treatment care model for inpatient psychiatry services from central IndiaFull text | PDFYear: 2024, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_27_2023 |
6,361 | 2,324 | 8,685 |
Review Article: NeuropathologyMetabolic syndrome in psychiatric disordersFull text | PDFYear: 2024, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_24_2023 |
5,734 | 1,443 | 7,177 |
Presidential Address: PsychiatryPresidential address: Ethics in Precision PsychiatryFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, July-December DOI: 10.25259/ABP_35_2023 |
3,598 | 2,355 | 5,953 |
Case Report: PsychiatryRash decisions: A case report of Risperidone and exanthematous eruptionsFull text | PDFYear: 2024, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_41_2023 |
4,474 | 944 | 5,418 |
Original Article: PsychiatrySerum lipid level as a biomarker in depressive disorder: A cross-sectional case control studyFull text | PDFYear: 2024, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_33_2023 |
4,773 | 628 | 5,401 |
Review Article: NeuropathologyModern cell culture technologies: Revolutionizing neuroregeneration in neuropsychiatryFull text | PDFYear: 2024, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_42_2023 |
4,719 | 537 | 5,256 |
Guest EditorialArtificial Intelligence in psychiatryFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, July-December DOI: 10.25259/ABP_37_2023 |
3,270 | 1,914 | 5,184 |
Editorial: PsychiatryPsychedelic therapy: Can’t stop the wave, let’s learn to surf!Full text | PDFYear: 2024, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_13_2024 |
4,351 | 829 | 5,180 |
Case Report: PsychiatryPolysubstance puzzle: A case report on alcohol, pregabalin, cyproheptadine, and dexamethasone dependenceFull text | PDFYear: 2024, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_2_2024 |
4,567 | 571 | 5,138 |
Case Report: PsychiatryNeuroleptic malignant syndrome presenting without hyperthermia: A case report of an atypical presentationFull text | PDFYear: 2024, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_38_2023 |
4,488 | 415 | 4,903 |
Original Article: PsychiatryAn observational study of auditory-evoked potential mismatch negativity response in individuals at high genetic risk for schizophreniaFull text | PDFYear: 2024, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_6_2024 |
4,074 | 742 | 4,816 |
Case Report: NeurochemistryManic switch during vortioxetine treatment: New medicine, new issueFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, July-December DOI: 10.25259/ABP_23_2023 |
2,797 | 1,408 | 4,205 |
Editorial: PsychiatryRepetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation an ideal avenue for biological psychiatry?Full text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, July-December DOI: 10.25259/ABP_39_2023 |
2,895 | 1,282 | 4,177 |
Case Series: PsychopharmacologyEndoxifen for the management of bipolar disorder with comorbid substance use disorder: A report of two casesFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_1_2023 |
2,664 | 1,183 | 3,847 |
Case Report: NeuropathologyPhantom vision or psychotic malady? A case report of Charles Bonnet syndrome plusFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, July-December DOI: 10.25259/ABP_12_2023 |
2,532 | 1,209 | 3,741 |
Original Article: NeurophysiologyA family study assessing P300 as a probable electrophysiological endophenotype in obsessive-compulsive disorderFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, July-December DOI: 10.25259/ABP_13_2023 |
2,616 | 1,048 | 3,664 |
Case Report: PsychiatryGeneralized myoclonus restricted to the “Smack” withdrawal state: A rare case reportFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, July-December DOI: 10.25259/ABP_32_2023 |
2,435 | 1,032 | 3,467 |
Guest EditorialIntegrating biology into psychiatryFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_4_2023 |
2,259 | 1,034 | 3,293 |
Original Article: NeurophysiologyHigh-definition transcranial direct current stimulation for treating cognitive and negative symptoms in chronic schizophrenia – A sham-controlled proof of concept studyFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, July-December DOI: 10.25259/ABP_20_2023 |
2,280 | 932 | 3,212 |
Presidential AddressPrecision medicine in psychiatryFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_17_2023 |
1,808 | 1,118 | 2,926 |
Original Article: NeuropsychologyRuminations, cognitive inflexibility, and their relationship with suicidal ideation in depressive disorders: A neuropsychological approachFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_8_2023 |
1,864 | 987 | 2,851 |
Letter to Editor: PsychiatrySelf-limiting intense mood swings following transcranial direct current stimulation: A case studyFull text | PDFYear: 2024, Volume: 2, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_1_2024 |
2,408 | 360 | 2,768 |
Letter to Editor: NeurophysiologyHeadache through mental health lensFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, July-December DOI: 10.25259/ABP_15_2023 |
1,811 | 877 | 2,688 |
Original Article: NeuromodulationEfficacy of adjunctive theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation in acute mania: A randomized and placebo-controlled studyFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_3_2023 |
1,667 | 964 | 2,631 |
EditorialPsychiatry is BiologicalFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_14_2023 |
1,544 | 1,028 | 2,572 |
Case Report: PsychiatryLithium precipitated acute kidney injury: A rare case reportFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, July-December DOI: 10.25259/ABP_31_2023 |
1,407 | 1,158 | 2,565 |
Case Report: PsychiatryUnmasking Mania: A case report of risperidone-induced mania in a schizophrenia patientFull text | PDFDOI: 10.25259/ABP_11_2024 |
2,291 | 248 | 2,539 |
Case Report: PsychopharmacologyA novel approach towards behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia managementFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_7_2023 |
1,593 | 883 | 2,476 |
ReviewersReviewers – Inaugural Edition 2023Full text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_1_1_36 |
1,039 | 870 | 1,909 |
Case Series: NeurophysiologySinus bradycardia as a phenotype in opioid dependence syndrome, acute withdrawal state, a rare case seriesFull text | PDFYear: 2023, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January-June DOI: 10.25259/ABP_2_2023 |
923 | 826 | 1,749 |